yeaaaa..wanna know why????today last day oncall!!yeaaa..see ya next month!!!
im so happy.....and weekend??shopping and such!!!!oh what a sunshine..lolx...
plans for saturday?any idea?what about sunday eh?lol......movies sounds fun.karaoke sounds fun too!...will be dreaming about that soon..lolx.
just like the same old days...counting the minutessss......hahahhahaha..what an evil laugh..lolx..
29 Jul 2010
27 Jul 2010
hari ini
the same routine begins.wake up in the morning.have a shower.dress up.touch up.(haha).getting ready for's lunch talk today.rep bought us mcd!yumm!just like's been a while though...hahaa.....
topic for today.ACARBOSE.which is a medication for diabetic patient.we can conclude it as STUDY TO PREVENT NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES's taken with meal and acts at the'll absorbs more carbohydrate.okay enough said.boring right?lol
haish..da jadi dispenser ni kena la tau kan pasal ubat2an....nnt xde la terketar2 bila org tanya....but as human selalu je lupa and panic....grr...hahha...normal la tu...zzzzz
counting the minutes....9pm.....pleasee be fast!

craving for this!!!!
the same routine begins.wake up in the morning.have a shower.dress up.touch up.(haha).getting ready for's lunch talk today.rep bought us mcd!yumm!just like's been a while though...hahaa.....
topic for today.ACARBOSE.which is a medication for diabetic patient.we can conclude it as STUDY TO PREVENT NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES's taken with meal and acts at the'll absorbs more carbohydrate.okay enough said.boring right?lol
haish..da jadi dispenser ni kena la tau kan pasal ubat2an....nnt xde la terketar2 bila org tanya....but as human selalu je lupa and panic....grr...hahha...normal la tu...zzzzz
counting the minutes....9pm.....pleasee be fast!
25 Jul 2010
bosan-ness+tension-ness!'s sunday today..what a boring-ness day!!lagi2 have to the hospital..and u handle your own dept wtf?!urgh.....i just can't take it anymore....penat!!!!!!!tekanan emosi perasaan semua ade!grr,.....kat semua tempat mmg cmtu...norm of working environment...what to do...just follow the flow.(ya rite!)..
just ate cadbury bytes+dutch lady strawberry milk(which i prefer chocolate which is temporarily out of stock.grr).now im sitting in front of this pc writing some fairy tales in my own know what,macm2 kerenah la patient2..eee...i explain ubat,die nk nyampuk jugak.i da habis explain die tnye blik ni ubat utk g pelempang yg kena ..mau??..eeee...eeeee..tekanan!!!!!!even semua tempat cmtu....i know...have to accept the way it is.........soon i'll be leaving.......awayy......xkerja pun salah kerja pun salah.....-_-..haisshhhhh....tpi yang best...boleh shopping!!!!!!like hell!!!hahahhahhahhaha
just ate cadbury bytes+dutch lady strawberry milk(which i prefer chocolate which is temporarily out of stock.grr).now im sitting in front of this pc writing some fairy tales in my own know what,macm2 kerenah la patient2..eee...i explain ubat,die nk nyampuk jugak.i da habis explain die tnye blik ni ubat utk g pelempang yg kena ..mau??..eeee...eeeee..tekanan!!!!!!even semua tempat cmtu....i know...have to accept the way it is.........soon i'll be leaving.......awayy......xkerja pun salah kerja pun salah.....-_-..haisshhhhh....tpi yang best...boleh shopping!!!!!!like hell!!!hahahhahhahhaha
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