8 Sept 2010

happy hari raya!

to all

happy hari raya
maaf zahir & batin

salah dan silap harap diampun

enjoy your raya no matter where you are!

this is the time to spent most with your family,friends,your beloved!!

again,selamat hari raya,not forgetting time for DUIT RAYA!!


7 Sept 2010


why im happy?
  • on call dah habis tepat pukul 9 pm.
  • boleh shopping raya
  • boleh cukup tidur
  • raya dah nak dekat (maybe)
  • beban seksa dah terlepas.(1o days total oncall)
  • boleh balik tepat pukul 9pm today
  • yey-ness!!!!
  • esok kerja lagi...booringggg...
  • hari ni dapat cupcakes!yay!! ;)

hahaha...till then...i'll update bout the stress later yaw...


signs of stress

no one can lead their life with no stress at all.....
stress is there.the one that makes it different is the level of stress that you are having.
some may have minor stress and some may have major stress..lots of things to think and complete at the same time.juggling things in one shot.

whether you are a student,a professional,a sportsman/women,parents,entertainer,you are not excluded from having stress...

lets check out the signs of stress

mental symptoms:
:feeling excessively tired
:trouble sleeping

physical symptoms:
:dry mouth
:pounding heart
:difficulty in breathing
:stomach upset
:frequent urination
:sweating palms
:tight muscles that may cause pain.

experiencing any of the symptoms above?
if so,you are in stress....
the most common symptom:tension!....everyone has that..includes me!

chill..stress can be manage with proper handling.how?to be continue in 2nd part...;)

diamonds are forever.

so much!they are my diamonds.the one who sticks with me no matter what..when boyfriends come and go,girlfriends stay.they never leave you..forget about two-faced girlfriend as im not talking about them.

my girlfriends rock.!but it doesn't mean that i am a lesbo.i do have male friends,but the one whom are close to me are my gfs.LOL
whatever it is.i just l.o.v.e them to death.
boyfriend is a must.
not now.
i got lots to achieve yaw.

they say diamonds are girl's best friend...same implies to all my girls!
*i heart you guys so much!!you know who you are love!*

6 Sept 2010

shopping for raya..

dah shopping raya?
the answer:belum
last minute shopping raya la ...
habis oncall esok.then the next day baru la mencari2 baju raya.
kasut dah ada.baju je xde lagi.lol.

actually,if tak terikat dengan on call.,weekend haritu dah pergi shopping.what to do..
oh..today,some of my friends organized a buka puasa event.held in a thai restaurant.sadly,i can't go...on call pulak.ha ha..on call ni mcm kalahkan doctor and para2 specialist di hospital ini.lol

secara jujur....on call ini sangat penat.macam mane doctor tu penat macam tu la we all penat.
but,they have backups..us?non....alone pulak bile on call...imagine.1 person handles everything!!!from A-Z..phone calls,patient,wards,ED(emergency department) slips,and such..you don't even have time to go to the t0ilet,or even to break fast with a heavy meal.

if kerja shift,at least 2 org..so,xde la susah sgt nk pergi toilet or whatsoever.tpi kerja shift ni pening je..ade pagi,petang,malam.mmg pening..haha....entahla...there's a blessing in disguise..

customer always right

right..in everything,customer always right!
and so do here,in the hosp...

i've just received a phone call from a patient clarifying information for some medication.

A:hello,this is pharmacy,right?i want to ask you,my son has been discharged just now at 5 pm..so i've given him/her the medication at 6 oçlock.the label stated that it has to be given 3 times daily.means 8 hourly right?
me:yep.8 hourly.
A:lets say it's 8 hourly,then i have to wake her up during midnight .if i don't give him/her exactly 8 hourly can?(it's kinda noisy i can't catch her exactly.)
me:oh..what medication is that?
A:FLU and COUGH mixture.
me:the medication can be given up to four times daily.so it's ok if you want to give more than 3 times.do u understand me?
A:No no..i don't want to give every six hourly.you know right they have nap and after they wake up then we give la
me:if so,it's ok.lets say u have given the medication at 6 pm.then when he/she wakes up early in the morning u can give the medication.
A:So can give la(repeating the same question)
A:OK .thank you

it's just a cough and flu medication.yes you have to give every 8 hourly.both
medication can lead to drowsiness,
so if impossible to wake him up at that certain moment (midnight),it can be consume the next day(early in the morning)..

even if i talked much ,patient wouldn't listen.all they
know is repeating the same question.the same thing even it's written what medication is that,duration,before/after meal.they wouldn't listen.they love to interrupt while we are explaining.just imagine you are in my shoes.our shoes.do you feel what we feel?lolx


4 Sept 2010


continue oncall for 5 more days....penattt!

feels like having a sore throat..urghh.

raya is coming soon...just around the corner....i don't want any sickness..blergh.

till then......

2 Sept 2010

happy september!

oh.em.gee!!!it's september!!!
happy september people!
may this month brings happiness,greatness,blissful than previous months.
be nice to me,september.
don't let me down...

i'm hoping the best for myself in september..
is that possible?
i hope so..