2010 will fade away soon.....2011 will appear....new year.new moods.new approach.everything is new...what are your ups and downs during 2010?well.i have lots!..i don't thing it is enough for me to babble all the way..lots of things come in the way...
took me hours to spill in here... but then,my wish for this coming new year,may happiness will come all the way,less misery,stress-free,and such...may next year will be better than this year.
all that i can say...NOVEMBER is the happiest month..lol..why?my birth month yaww..we should be happy on our birth month..!;)
what's your wishlist?i got lots in my diary..lol;p
31 Dec 2010
congrats malaysia!

whoa..prime minister has announced 31st december is a public holiday to all malaysian!
MALAYSIA has won the AFF suzuki cup 2010 for the 1st time evahh!!!!
congrats to malaysian team!!!we are very proud of the team!!tremendous play,goals...this is what we want....something outrageous...!
congrats again to them..you did a great job coach!:).i can say that the malaysian players are well trained,skillful,and oh..with good faces.lol!;p..oh..did i mention today is public hols,...indeed yes it is...there's a but...im working!!!alongside with my other colleague...grr!!!
it's supposed to be a holiday.but i don't know....lol...now the hospital sounds so quiet.like a scary hospital ....all of us lost our moods!hahahaa..all that we know is that we want to go home ASAP!!!
well,im proud to be a Malaysian!go go Malaysia!!i heart you!
28 Dec 2010
ohh..lame tak update(lama ke?)tak la lame sgt kan...M.I.A for a few days....where about?someplace...:)...place that gives memory..lots of memory...(serious tak tipu)...
huhu...so kali ni nk spill ape eh...lost in words....how are you peeps?im good...semakin tembam?(motiff)....sedang berusaha menaikkn berat yg tak boleh nk dinaikkn...static aje...choi..consider me lucky..;p..
hari ni oncall lagi...choii...ganti oncall..wee....boring!DUHH.em..nk MCD!!!lame dah xmkn mcd...lama gile....mcm nak makn hari ni after habis oncall,tpi perut dah kenyang dgn junkies.....huhuhu..
sedang mengunyah M&M's milk chocolate..yummy!and minum 100 plus....itu pun nk bagitahu ke..hahaha..biarla..bwerk!;p
huhu...so kali ni nk spill ape eh...lost in words....how are you peeps?im good...semakin tembam?(motiff)....sedang berusaha menaikkn berat yg tak boleh nk dinaikkn...static aje...choi..consider me lucky..;p..
hari ni oncall lagi...choii...ganti oncall..wee....boring!DUHH.em..nk MCD!!!lame dah xmkn mcd...lama gile....mcm nak makn hari ni after habis oncall,tpi perut dah kenyang dgn junkies.....huhuhu..
sedang mengunyah M&M's milk chocolate..yummy!and minum 100 plus....itu pun nk bagitahu ke..hahaha..biarla..bwerk!;p
24 Dec 2010
it's friday already.....LOL.....
well...nothing much here...
just a bit tired..
and well it's friday peeps!
have a great weekend to all of you...
wherever you are.....
just live the life...
be happy all the time....yea.
i know...we should live the life.
life is short...appreciate while you can..
grab each opportunity that you can...
do it for yourself.not for others..
till then
well...nothing much here...
just a bit tired..
and well it's friday peeps!
have a great weekend to all of you...
wherever you are.....
just live the life...
be happy all the time....yea.
i know...we should live the life.
life is short...appreciate while you can..
grab each opportunity that you can...
do it for yourself.not for others..
till then
23 Dec 2010
hello peeps!dah khamis dah?wuyoo...cepat2..
dari semalam asyik bersin2 aje...then seram sejuk.....then badan rasa lemah2..adoi..jgn la demam..no!!!!actually from monday ag rasa macm ni....maybe xcukup rest and xcukup tido kot??adehh...xcukup tdo pun boleh buat kita selsema..so have a good sleep and makan la byk vitamin C.....hehehe
yela kan..mana nk cukup rehat,emm..oncall dari mon-thurs...penat2..sebab blik pukul 9mlm kan.....tu kalau waktu zaman kanak2 ribena,itu ialah waktu untuk tido dan bersiap sedia for tomorrow..school dayyy..ahahahah..
dah la kat pharmacy ni sejuk....hidung pun dah merah and berair (bukan hingus okay!)....huhu!emm....baru pukul 8...choii...lambat sehh....
boring la lama2 oncall...entah kenapa tah....xlarat nk layan patient kot?nk wut cmne kan..it's your job,your responsibility and such...so deal with it...tpi kan kadang2 tekanan tu ada jugak tau....jgn igt xde..huhu..lalalala..tidak la aku tahu...
dulu2..time masih study,teringin nk kerja....tgk org kerja mcm best je..ada duit sendiri..xyah mintak dgn mama papa,boleh pergi shopping puas2,beli itu ini..then...bila dah kerja.baru tahu cmne kan....ish2...patut la ade certain org baru 30-an dah ada mcm penyakit...antara nya yg paling common, hypertension....too much stress can lead to hypertension,and worst,u have to on medication for a duration yg ditetapkan doctor......ehemm...itu yang xbest tu..bila dah start kena mkn ubat means penyakit tu boleh jadi makin teruk la..ouchh..scary...
harap2 la i don't have high blood pressure....takutnya...then tak jaga pemakanan pun sama...too much salt intake pun xboleh..huhu..dah la.selalu tekanan...boleh kata hari2 tertekan...wee....tpi still boleh tersenyum.....eh eh..hari ni byk pula i tulis....buang tabiat ke apa tah....
mengantuk pun ada la...Zzzzzz...mana boleh tido time oncall nie...kena stay awake,pastu sorng2 pulak incharge ...penat2..kalau ada 2 orang kan ,mesti boleh take turn tido...wahahhahaha(motiff)...
oh..selang sehari dah christmas!merry xmas to those yg menyambut,happy hols and happy new year!!omigosh!!dah nak tahun baru laaa.....2011...cepat nya waktu berlalu.....farewell 2010...rindu la dgn 2010...rasa mcm baru je 2010 starts.tgk2 dah nk the end of the year....1 week more kot..
so,what's your wish list for new year?any changing?or any new things yg nk dimiliki?LOL.....tidak la aku tahu.....huhu...
serious macam nak demam nie..adoii...:(..tidak la aku tahu....jap lagi mkn uphamol 650..dgn coke.eh.silap,uphamol 650 dgn mineral water la!hoho...
sengal2 badan?mkn lah panadol extend!weeee.....hoii...cepat la pukul 9!!!!!
boleh tak???one more hour to go!
dari semalam asyik bersin2 aje...then seram sejuk.....then badan rasa lemah2..adoi..jgn la demam..no!!!!actually from monday ag rasa macm ni....maybe xcukup rest and xcukup tido kot??adehh...xcukup tdo pun boleh buat kita selsema..so have a good sleep and makan la byk vitamin C.....hehehe
yela kan..mana nk cukup rehat,emm..oncall dari mon-thurs...penat2..sebab blik pukul 9mlm kan.....tu kalau waktu zaman kanak2 ribena,itu ialah waktu untuk tido dan bersiap sedia for tomorrow..school dayyy..ahahahah..
dah la kat pharmacy ni sejuk....hidung pun dah merah and berair (bukan hingus okay!)....huhu!emm....baru pukul 8...choii...lambat sehh....
boring la lama2 oncall...entah kenapa tah....xlarat nk layan patient kot?nk wut cmne kan..it's your job,your responsibility and such...so deal with it...tpi kan kadang2 tekanan tu ada jugak tau....jgn igt xde..huhu..lalalala..tidak la aku tahu...
dulu2..time masih study,teringin nk kerja....tgk org kerja mcm best je..ada duit sendiri..xyah mintak dgn mama papa,boleh pergi shopping puas2,beli itu ini..then...bila dah kerja.baru tahu cmne kan....ish2...patut la ade certain org baru 30-an dah ada mcm penyakit...antara nya yg paling common, hypertension....too much stress can lead to hypertension,and worst,u have to on medication for a duration yg ditetapkan doctor......ehemm...itu yang xbest tu..bila dah start kena mkn ubat means penyakit tu boleh jadi makin teruk la..ouchh..scary...
harap2 la i don't have high blood pressure....takutnya...then tak jaga pemakanan pun sama...too much salt intake pun xboleh..huhu..dah la.selalu tekanan...boleh kata hari2 tertekan...wee....tpi still boleh tersenyum.....eh eh..hari ni byk pula i tulis....buang tabiat ke apa tah....
mengantuk pun ada la...Zzzzzz...mana boleh tido time oncall nie...kena stay awake,pastu sorng2 pulak incharge ...penat2..kalau ada 2 orang kan ,mesti boleh take turn tido...wahahhahaha(motiff)...
oh..selang sehari dah christmas!merry xmas to those yg menyambut,happy hols and happy new year!!omigosh!!dah nak tahun baru laaa.....2011...cepat nya waktu berlalu.....farewell 2010...rindu la dgn 2010...rasa mcm baru je 2010 starts.tgk2 dah nk the end of the year....1 week more kot..
so,what's your wish list for new year?any changing?or any new things yg nk dimiliki?LOL.....tidak la aku tahu.....huhu...
serious macam nak demam nie..adoii...:(..tidak la aku tahu....jap lagi mkn uphamol 650..dgn coke.eh.silap,uphamol 650 dgn mineral water la!hoho...
sengal2 badan?mkn lah panadol extend!weeee.....hoii...cepat la pukul 9!!!!!
boleh tak???one more hour to go!
22 Dec 2010
eeee.tah pahape tah.
tu je nk cakap...!
jappp...why eh ade spesies makhluk tuhan yg begini...euww...
tu je...byeeee
tu je nk cakap...!
jappp...why eh ade spesies makhluk tuhan yg begini...euww...
tu je...byeeee
20 Dec 2010
harus ke?
hmm..lain orang lain ragam nya...kan kan kan?
nk jaga hati semua orang mmg xboleh la kan..
kite pun ada hati dan perasaan sendiri..
kita pun xboleh nk expect orang paham kita 100%
and kita pun xboleh nk paham orng 100%...
normal la tu...manusia..
ada yang macm ni ..ada yg macm tu,
ada yg ok,ada yg tak.
ada yg depan ok,tpi belakang?omg!
ada yg nmpk xok,tpi actually ok je!
see..this is life..
no pressure no life
tpi nk layan spesies2 manusia yg pelbagai ragam nie mmg susah la kan.
tpi nk buat cmne..go with the flow ajela kan...
xboleh nak puaskan hati semua orang..
so live the life!weee
nk jaga hati semua orang mmg xboleh la kan..
kite pun ada hati dan perasaan sendiri..
kita pun xboleh nk expect orang paham kita 100%
and kita pun xboleh nk paham orng 100%...
normal la tu...manusia..
ada yang macm ni ..ada yg macm tu,
ada yg ok,ada yg tak.
ada yg depan ok,tpi belakang?omg!
ada yg nmpk xok,tpi actually ok je!
see..this is life..
no pressure no life
tpi nk layan spesies2 manusia yg pelbagai ragam nie mmg susah la kan.
tpi nk buat cmne..go with the flow ajela kan...
xboleh nak puaskan hati semua orang..
so live the life!weee
how do you feel now?any better??any new replacement?(duhh)..you're like happier?why?
hmm...maybe i can say that im happier than before?
new love-life?well,i don't have to answer that...but i have been single for too long,so it's kinda awkward when u have,err,boyfie...
that is not a big problem i guess...just go with the flow...
well i should appreciate things as it is...
hopefully there will be no more heart break...
err...what am i babbling....ok.stop.enough about this
how do you feel now?any better??any new replacement?(duhh)..you're like happier?why?
hmm...maybe i can say that im happier than before?
new love-life?well,i don't have to answer that...but i have been single for too long,so it's kinda awkward when u have,err,boyfie...
that is not a big problem i guess...just go with the flow...
well i should appreciate things as it is...
hopefully there will be no more heart break...
err...what am i babbling....ok.stop.enough about this
oh it's monday!!!!!
insufficient sleep.i don't know why....any ideas?
why am i updating?ONCALL!!!!grr...haaha...20th,21st,22nd,23rd....then im off!la la la..
where to?it's a secret that i'll never tell.....;p
im exhausted.like seriously.i need rest.something to soothe my soul..a vacation...yea..
last november, my flight to Bandung is cancelled due to volcano eruption..grr.(heart break)
so...december should be a time for me to have a lil rest... may i?lol
sleepy yaw...please be fast o' 9 pm!
insufficient sleep.i don't know why....any ideas?
why am i updating?ONCALL!!!!grr...haaha...20th,21st,22nd,23rd....then im off!la la la..
where to?it's a secret that i'll never tell.....;p
im exhausted.like seriously.i need rest.something to soothe my soul..a vacation...yea..
last november, my flight to Bandung is cancelled due to volcano eruption..grr.(heart break)
so...december should be a time for me to have a lil rest... may i?lol
sleepy yaw...please be fast o' 9 pm!
16 Dec 2010
hmm.entah kenapa tibe2 rasa macm sedih pulak..boleh tak nak cry?
em...byk fikir cmni la kot?yeke?tidak la aku tahu.....lalalala...
anyone can explain why???pfft...
oiii..9pm please be hurry!!!!!!!!!
wanna go home..:(
booosaannn la weyhhh!!!!
em...byk fikir cmni la kot?yeke?tidak la aku tahu.....lalalala...
anyone can explain why???pfft...
oiii..9pm please be hurry!!!!!!!!!
wanna go home..:(
booosaannn la weyhhh!!!!
errr...as usual hari ni oncall..ganti orang.huhu..malas sebenarnya nak oncall..lagi2 time tgh penat...oh-em-gee!mmg stress...lalalalala.
as usual jugak,time oncall ni la selalu pulak ada masa nak update blog..why?because im freaking bored here!!!!!pffft!..if kat rumah tu ade ala-carte entertainment...kan kan?haha..
kat sini...muka ubat je nampak....ubat sini,ubat sana,kiri kanan ubat.nak buat macam mane....dah kerja di hospital..deal with it..lol...
nak layan kerenah semua orang in one shot mmg xboleh la kan...grr...hanya Allah je yang tahu betapa stess nye ku disini..hari ni stress sikit...sikit je...hahaha...
ubat takde..kena lari pergi farmasi lagi satu..choiii.....nasib la boleh jalan laju...
baru nak 7pm...hoiii...cepat la 9pm....i nak balik ok!nak mandi then borak2 with beloved..then boom....zzzzzz...nak mimpi beloved...motiff?!...perut sakit...tanda lapar..tapi kan penat menguasai segala-galanya....mmg ada rasa mcm nak makan....tpi bila dah sampai rumah,tgk katil,terus dah xde feel nak makan..lalala...tido sudah....
hm..2 more hours to go...cepatla...:(..
as usual jugak,time oncall ni la selalu pulak ada masa nak update blog..why?because im freaking bored here!!!!!pffft!..if kat rumah tu ade ala-carte entertainment...kan kan?haha..
kat sini...muka ubat je nampak....ubat sini,ubat sana,kiri kanan ubat.nak buat macam mane....dah kerja di hospital..deal with it..lol...
nak layan kerenah semua orang in one shot mmg xboleh la kan...grr...hanya Allah je yang tahu betapa stess nye ku disini..hari ni stress sikit...sikit je...hahaha...
ubat takde..kena lari pergi farmasi lagi satu..choiii.....nasib la boleh jalan laju...
baru nak 7pm...hoiii...cepat la 9pm....i nak balik ok!nak mandi then borak2 with beloved..then boom....zzzzzz...nak mimpi beloved...motiff?!...perut sakit...tanda lapar..tapi kan penat menguasai segala-galanya....mmg ada rasa mcm nak makan....tpi bila dah sampai rumah,tgk katil,terus dah xde feel nak makan..lalala...tido sudah....
hm..2 more hours to go...cepatla...:(..
la la la
err...it's thursday already..fast is it?well..it near to the end of month.farewell 2010.welcome 2011.gosh...is this happening?why so fast.it feels like yesterday.
new wishlist for 2011?i wish...but haven't prepared yet.lol....what about you guys?share if you have any.
once upon a time if i tell you guys im in love,i mean it.(motive!)
well,i can say love isn't that bad.i mean love between a guy and a girl.
love with gfs,family is always exciting.....some of them will suffer in love..only when they are stuck with he wrong person..i did once.so it'll never gonna happen again..
i can say im openly to love.and i've found someone to love.okay enough.
im not feeling well though.dizzy,fatigue,lack of sleep.pfft.why-oh-why.
new wishlist for 2011?i wish...but haven't prepared yet.lol....what about you guys?share if you have any.
once upon a time if i tell you guys im in love,i mean it.(motive!)
well,i can say love isn't that bad.i mean love between a guy and a girl.
love with gfs,family is always exciting.....some of them will suffer in love..only when they are stuck with he wrong person..i did once.so it'll never gonna happen again..
i can say im openly to love.and i've found someone to love.okay enough.
im not feeling well though.dizzy,fatigue,lack of sleep.pfft.why-oh-why.
10 Dec 2010
can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars
i could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now.
easy come.easy go.
relax take it easy.
falling out of love is hard,
falling for betrayal is worst
broken trust broken heart
i know..
life is unfair right?
when we've found the right one,there will be things that occur without our consent.
when we are dying to leave the so-not-for me person,nothing happen.
when we are happy,of all sudden you'll never know it'll fade away.it's destiny.
when you've found the right one for you.appreciate him/her or you might lose him/her forever.
do u only want to utter 'i love you' when she/he's not around.?i bet not.
life is weird.yet crazy and unfair.so live the life!all i hope happiness will come more than sadness..yea,they say too much laugh today,you'll end up crying the next day...LOL.
whatever it is appreciate people that appreciates you.that is better.
if you haven't met you special one yet no worries,God has kept someone special for you.only time will tell when will you meet him/her.
when we've found the right one,there will be things that occur without our consent.
when we are dying to leave the so-not-for me person,nothing happen.
when we are happy,of all sudden you'll never know it'll fade away.it's destiny.
when you've found the right one for you.appreciate him/her or you might lose him/her forever.
do u only want to utter 'i love you' when she/he's not around.?i bet not.
life is weird.yet crazy and unfair.so live the life!all i hope happiness will come more than sadness..yea,they say too much laugh today,you'll end up crying the next day...LOL.
whatever it is appreciate people that appreciates you.that is better.
if you haven't met you special one yet no worries,God has kept someone special for you.only time will tell when will you meet him/her.
8 Dec 2010
to deny one's past is to deny one's self. -Blair Waldorf
boring boring.sleepy.dizzy.omg.restless.insomniac.help!
let's rock tonight.lol...enjoy this vid!
are we?
im not perfect.and so do you.we are not perfect.everyone is not perfect.
deal with it.we make mistakes.things that beyond our expectation.so we can't judge people.we are not God to give punishment.we are same.homo-sapiens.
everybody has a little black baggage from the past.just that,each of you has your own past in a different way.ok.enuff said.
hey have you heard GRENADE from bruno mars?listen to it!im so loving this song!
deal with it.we make mistakes.things that beyond our expectation.so we can't judge people.we are not God to give punishment.we are same.homo-sapiens.
everybody has a little black baggage from the past.just that,each of you has your own past in a different way.ok.enuff said.
hey have you heard GRENADE from bruno mars?listen to it!im so loving this song!
hmm..semenjak dua menjak ni asyik emosional je..entah la,.mcm ada yg tak kena...tak tahu la ...jiwa kacau kot?maybe...emm....kadang2 bile kita nak seseorang tu ada dekat dengan kita, dia pulak takde.orang lain pulak muncul...then bile kita dah lali dgn ketidakhadiran itu,tiba2 dia muncul kembali...kenapa sekarang?kenapa?bila dah muncul tu,takde soalan ke nak tanya?how are you?sihat ke?ini tak.bukan nye nak terasa ke ape,tpi orang tu mmg rapat dgn kita,mestilah nk ditanya and such..right???tpi entah la...i taknak fikir bukan2.i don't wanna point at any party.just maybe it's just a feeling.not a serious one.
makin fikir makin pening.sekarang pun dah start pening...urgh..beberapa hari dah pening ni...anemic ke?mungkin la kot.kurang darah.huu....i don't wanna be in a tense mode again..tak larat dah.
takpe la,mungkin die perlu masa to adjust..so jangan la fikir bukan2...nnt ok la tu..ya hopefully.dia mungkin ada problem,macam orang lain,ada problem...huhuhu..ok tu je.
ohh...entry ni takde kaitan dgn sesiapa..yang hidup ataupun yang telah meninggal dunia.PEACE!
makin fikir makin pening.sekarang pun dah start pening...urgh..beberapa hari dah pening ni...anemic ke?mungkin la kot.kurang darah.huu....i don't wanna be in a tense mode again..tak larat dah.
takpe la,mungkin die perlu masa to adjust..so jangan la fikir bukan2...nnt ok la tu..ya hopefully.dia mungkin ada problem,macam orang lain,ada problem...huhuhu..ok tu je.
ohh...entry ni takde kaitan dgn sesiapa..yang hidup ataupun yang telah meninggal dunia.PEACE!
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