2 Aug 2011
16 Jul 2011
sabtu:what a day.
dunno what to feel.
extremely buzy today..oh-my-so-penat......
tu je kot?nk cte ape lagi?lalalalalalalalalaaallaalala;p;p
dunno what to feel.
extremely buzy today..oh-my-so-penat......
tu je kot?nk cte ape lagi?lalalalalalalalalaaallaalala;p;p
3 Jul 2011
nak g tgk wayanggg.....nak g jalan2...tpi ku oncall la today...lalalalalalaaaallllaaaaaa..huhu..
ok tu je bye!
nak g tgk wayanggg.....nak g jalan2...tpi ku oncall la today...lalalalalalaaaallllaaaaaa..huhu..
ok tu je bye!
2 Jul 2011
akhirnya..july menjelma......weee...
oh....alhamdulillah....250611..ku sudah menjadi tunangan orng....alhamdulillah.....so peeps....yg tertanye2 tu dri awal ape yg kite dok sohseh ni....im engaged!ok..tu je.....byee..happy july!!!lalalala..
oh....alhamdulillah....250611..ku sudah menjadi tunangan orng....alhamdulillah.....so peeps....yg tertanye2 tu dri awal ape yg kite dok sohseh ni....im engaged!ok..tu je.....byee..happy july!!!lalalala..
9 Jun 2011
hello bloggers!
now da 2nd week of jun!
oh..cepat nye mase berlalu...gosh...pejam celik je kan...
time is running so fasttt!errr...errr..
okay...i da gelabah da skang...takut resah gelisah semua ade...hahahha
hope sume berjalan lancar...aminnnn...
:)...bole kata tinggl skit aje la persediaan nye..cume nak recheck and reconfirm..huhu...
relax take it easy...huhu
now da 2nd week of jun!
oh..cepat nye mase berlalu...gosh...pejam celik je kan...
time is running so fasttt!errr...errr..
okay...i da gelabah da skang...takut resah gelisah semua ade...hahahha
hope sume berjalan lancar...aminnnn...
:)...bole kata tinggl skit aje la persediaan nye..cume nak recheck and reconfirm..huhu...
relax take it easy...huhu
4 Jun 2011
DAY 5:last day oncal!
today PH.buzy yg amat....late lunch.pening kepala.kedai runcit tu tutup boleh x?err!terpksa order kat kitchen.nasi goreng kampung.5 rm.byk pulak tu..siap letak timun n telur mata ag(taksuke le)..bru igt xmo makn nasi..nnt senak perut.not nice!huhu
nak balik la....:(...penat ni..byk menda nk settle...buzy as always...lol..(konon kalah menteri la eh)..hahahaha
habis ni nk cabut ok..adehh...lemah siku2 semua.
esok nk jumpe org lagi.macm2 la..si dia nk ikut ke?mcm x kot?gagagaga...xtau not sure.huhu.we'll see what happens tomorrow..wee...lalalalalal
today PH.buzy yg amat....late lunch.pening kepala.kedai runcit tu tutup boleh x?err!terpksa order kat kitchen.nasi goreng kampung.5 rm.byk pulak tu..siap letak timun n telur mata ag(taksuke le)..bru igt xmo makn nasi..nnt senak perut.not nice!huhu
nak balik la....:(...penat ni..byk menda nk settle...buzy as always...lol..(konon kalah menteri la eh)..hahahaha
habis ni nk cabut ok..adehh...lemah siku2 semua.
esok nk jumpe org lagi.macm2 la..si dia nk ikut ke?mcm x kot?gagagaga...xtau not sure.huhu.we'll see what happens tomorrow..wee...lalalalalal
3 Jun 2011
DAY 4:ONCALL MODE..LALALA....buzy.buzy.penat.penat.bru nk recover dari demam..peluh2 tdi memeriksa stok2 yg dah low..huhuhu....
esok last day.adeh.esok banyak benda nak buat.nk jumpa kak eisya,then nak amek baju kat tailor..pendek kate im extremely buzy this weekend..nasib la ahad xoncall..hadehh...
esok?xtau la buzy gilak ke tak..haishh..nak balik awal!!grr...best nye tgk org cuti esok and balik kg sume.huuu..i just need some rest...more than less...
hari ni balik nanti mesti saya xmau makan and terus ketiduran.....lalalalalala
sygku ni tgh buat ape ehh...huhuhu
esok last day.adeh.esok banyak benda nak buat.nk jumpa kak eisya,then nak amek baju kat tailor..pendek kate im extremely buzy this weekend..nasib la ahad xoncall..hadehh...
esok?xtau la buzy gilak ke tak..haishh..nak balik awal!!grr...best nye tgk org cuti esok and balik kg sume.huuu..i just need some rest...more than less...
hari ni balik nanti mesti saya xmau makan and terus ketiduran.....lalalalalala
sygku ni tgh buat ape ehh...huhuhu
2 Jun 2011
YESSS!!dah nak balik....weee!!!!!day 3:done!:D
ada banyak cerita nak diceritakan,,...tapi tak kan la semua kot nak cerita...sikit2 sudah..hahaha...lagipun blog ni mane de ramai follower....so confirm xde yang nak bace blog ini..lalala..lalalalala....
haishh....dalam hidup ni macam2 dugaan...so kena tempuhi dgn tenang...(ceeh2)...bukan semua orang boleh jadi kuat..tpi kalau kite cuba hadapi dgn seikhlas hati,insyaAllah semua dugaan dapat dilalui.....hidup ini tidak selalu indah..it's like a wheel...once you're up,once you're down....yep.
don't trust people easily,..so true....manusia sekarang ni byk busuk hati...kebanyakan nye la...bukan kesemuanya....kan....tidak la ku tahu..em chi to...pening2..
okay.stop.cte lain pula...bulan ni banyak wayang yg best2...hee..:)...tpi xsempat nk tgk kesemuanya....after oncall ni nak g tgk movie marathon...wee...cehh...semangat konon...lalalala...;p;p....tgk2 movie marathon entah kemana...gagaga...;p;p
aish..hari ni byk membebel pula....lalala....lalala....kenape eh?sindrom meroyan ke apa...haha...
adui....eh eh..si dia ni tgh wtpe...msg die xreply pun....tidoq ka ape...eee...mesti xamek kite jap ag ni...errr..sabor ajela.....huhuhu
itu je la kot....ek eleh..baru pukul 810pm ke....lambt pulak 9 pm nie.lalala....
haishh....dalam hidup ni macam2 dugaan...so kena tempuhi dgn tenang...(ceeh2)...bukan semua orang boleh jadi kuat..tpi kalau kite cuba hadapi dgn seikhlas hati,insyaAllah semua dugaan dapat dilalui.....hidup ini tidak selalu indah..it's like a wheel...once you're up,once you're down....yep.
don't trust people easily,..so true....manusia sekarang ni byk busuk hati...kebanyakan nye la...bukan kesemuanya....kan....tidak la ku tahu..em chi to...pening2..
okay.stop.cte lain pula...bulan ni banyak wayang yg best2...hee..:)...tpi xsempat nk tgk kesemuanya....after oncall ni nak g tgk movie marathon...wee...cehh...semangat konon...lalalala...;p;p....tgk2 movie marathon entah kemana...gagaga...;p;p
aish..hari ni byk membebel pula....lalala....lalala....kenape eh?sindrom meroyan ke apa...haha...
adui....eh eh..si dia ni tgh wtpe...msg die xreply pun....tidoq ka ape...eee...mesti xamek kite jap ag ni...errr..sabor ajela.....huhuhu
itu je la kot....ek eleh..baru pukul 810pm ke....lambt pulak 9 pm nie.lalala....
boringnya oncall..
3 more days to go....
sabtu ni PH...aiyo.cmne la eh...mesti buzy gila..OR NOT?haishh..tidak la aku tahu.....redha aje la...kerja kan.,.,.bukan main2...huhu....adehh...melepak seketika disini...cepat la 9pm!...chayokk!
kejap je...then orang lain pulak....hihihi..
rindu la kat dia..pfft...padahal semalam baru jumpa....haishh....semalam...kuar dgn mama papa adik dia g cari something...then g lunch and such..oh..semalam ku half day...tq k ros for replacing me!~:)
3 more days to go....
sabtu ni PH...aiyo.cmne la eh...mesti buzy gila..OR NOT?haishh..tidak la aku tahu.....redha aje la...kerja kan.,.,.bukan main2...huhu....adehh...melepak seketika disini...cepat la 9pm!...chayokk!
kejap je...then orang lain pulak....hihihi..
rindu la kat dia..pfft...padahal semalam baru jumpa....haishh....semalam...kuar dgn mama papa adik dia g cari something...then g lunch and such..oh..semalam ku half day...tq k ros for replacing me!~:)
31 May 2011
omg!esok dah 1st june!!!!!macam xpercaya je!!!!am i right or am i right???huhuh
preparation da 94.5%....takut juga tak sempat nk prepare all in one shot...but i know i can do it...
just benda2 kecik tu takut terlelap bila da nak dekat then baru gelabah and such....like wtf,ini itu xbeli lagi....darn!......
tarik nafas jap....ok lupekan seketika hal ini...
nak tau tak..im having the worst fever ever.....mmg tekanan la..lagi2 semalam...lemah and xbermaya....:(..xnk jumpa doctor...nnt kena MC..dah la staff xcukup...choi...then today start oncall...darn!
si dia cuti esok!bestnye!!xdpt ikut....die nk g jalan2 dgn family dia...sedihnya....oi..sakitnya kepala aku....dah la tak makan dari semalam....sakit tekak...tgk makanan pun xselera...tpi tahan aje...adehh....balik rumah tdo.letak ais kat kepala....syg call pun xdgr...msg pun reply lambat..sorry b...xoxo....
then today wake up..still ade demam,sore throat,and sakit2 badan...mama tegur...dia kata muka nmpk panas....(apekahh)...now pun sedang sakit kepala.....chayo!cepat la 9 mlm....
teringin nak makn bubur ayam MCD.....SEDAP NYEE....hmm....lapar pula....huuuu....tgk makanan pun xde selera...huhu...2 in 1 la ni...diet sekali...lol!;p;p
jaga kesihatan ye semua...sekarang weather tak menentu...lol....
preparation da 94.5%....takut juga tak sempat nk prepare all in one shot...but i know i can do it...
just benda2 kecik tu takut terlelap bila da nak dekat then baru gelabah and such....like wtf,ini itu xbeli lagi....darn!......
tarik nafas jap....ok lupekan seketika hal ini...
nak tau tak..im having the worst fever ever.....mmg tekanan la..lagi2 semalam...lemah and xbermaya....:(..xnk jumpa doctor...nnt kena MC..dah la staff xcukup...choi...then today start oncall...darn!
si dia cuti esok!bestnye!!xdpt ikut....die nk g jalan2 dgn family dia...sedihnya....oi..sakitnya kepala aku....dah la tak makan dari semalam....sakit tekak...tgk makanan pun xselera...tpi tahan aje...adehh....balik rumah tdo.letak ais kat kepala....syg call pun xdgr...msg pun reply lambat..sorry b...xoxo....
then today wake up..still ade demam,sore throat,and sakit2 badan...mama tegur...dia kata muka nmpk panas....(apekahh)...now pun sedang sakit kepala.....chayo!cepat la 9 mlm....
teringin nak makn bubur ayam MCD.....SEDAP NYEE....hmm....lapar pula....huuuu....tgk makanan pun xde selera...huhu...2 in 1 la ni...diet sekali...lol!;p;p
jaga kesihatan ye semua...sekarang weather tak menentu...lol....
12 May 2011

ok..sgt suka design dia...baju tu nk lengan cm ni leh?xnk yg kembang-kembang tuu...LOL...letak puff skit...boleh byg ke?huhuhu...ok..pening....tu je ..BYE!
ke nak letak bebutang?

ni satin

yg ni chiffon

ni satin

yg ni chiffon
nk satin ke chiffon?
mane lagi best?chiffon die cm jarang kan....satin nmpk bersinar....omaiigooddd.....helpp...i like both...but nk wut skali tuk ghaye...so xyah bazir2 nk beli yg raya punye...kan kan kan......huhu..
by end of this week kena settlekan jugak...even if i have to do it alone....aite....chayo!go go girl!
ok...byk dalam fkiran ni....adui...tpi takut tak sesuai and such....
nk buat baju kurung moden....tpi tailor xtau nk cari kt ne..:(
tailor yg selalu ku hantar baju2,xtau la die nk amek ke tak kan...aduii...ok...
kawan ku tnye....
A:Jiji ni nmpak relax je..padahal bulan depan je kot...
J:hahaha...nmpak je relax...padahal........ni belum tuk kawin lagi.....tu lagiii nervous okayh!
hahahaha..adehhh....bersabar ye.kalu dpt buat ala kate midddleton pon best jugak..(ewahh..byk cntik hang punye muka)..ahaha......
tailor yg selalu ku hantar baju2,xtau la die nk amek ke tak kan...aduii...ok...
kawan ku tnye....
A:Jiji ni nmpak relax je..padahal bulan depan je kot...
J:hahaha...nmpak je relax...padahal........ni belum tuk kawin lagi.....tu lagiii nervous okayh!
hahahaha..adehhh....bersabar ye.kalu dpt buat ala kate midddleton pon best jugak..(ewahh..byk cntik hang punye muka)..ahaha......
dah tak lama lagi ni....:(...nervous okayh!
errrr...hope sume berjalan dgn lancar....aminnnnnnn....
mesti tertanya2 apekah....tettt..nnt2 akn ku cecite cecite...LOL!
sabar ye...hahaha....
hari ni hari khamis.....esok pula jumaat..nmpak sgt la xde kerja kan..haha...
yes!nk hujung minggu!!!!ade menda nk di buat....apekahh?jeng jeng jeng.....adelahh..rahasia....
nnt tau jugak tu...
kpd ehem2....whatcha doingg????tido la tuuu...bestnyeee,..jealous okayh!!!!!
bagun2 masak tuk i...hahaha....tak boleh belah......
adoi....semakin hari semakin rindu...ok stop!hehehe
menghitung harii.......huuu
dah tak lama lagi ni....:(...nervous okayh!
errrr...hope sume berjalan dgn lancar....aminnnnnnn....
mesti tertanya2 apekah....tettt..nnt2 akn ku cecite cecite...LOL!
sabar ye...hahaha....
hari ni hari khamis.....esok pula jumaat..nmpak sgt la xde kerja kan..haha...
yes!nk hujung minggu!!!!ade menda nk di buat....apekahh?jeng jeng jeng.....adelahh..rahasia....
nnt tau jugak tu...
kpd ehem2....whatcha doingg????tido la tuuu...bestnyeee,..jealous okayh!!!!!
bagun2 masak tuk i...hahaha....tak boleh belah......
adoi....semakin hari semakin rindu...ok stop!hehehe
menghitung harii.......huuu
8 May 2011
saya tak perfect.
saya tau tu.
semua orang tak perfect...deal with it..
boring.boring.nak balik cepat.hmm..:(....
saya tau tu.
semua orang tak perfect...deal with it..
boring.boring.nak balik cepat.hmm..:(....
happy mother's day!
happy mothers day!!!!!
i love you mama & mama!!!!!!
thanks for making me as it is.....
i love you loads!
im sorry im not perfect
im sorry if i make you sad
im sorry i make u mad
im sorry that we have a fight
it's all because of me
im sorry i can't be the best
im sorry i fail to be your clown
im sorry.im sorry
i know that maybe sorry looks dull to you'
but it come straight from my heart
i don't know how will i do without you by my side
because you are my destiny
my other half
i can't afford to lose you
you are special to me
so special
you're my past,present and my future baby
always have always be baby...
im sorry if i make you sad
im sorry i make u mad
im sorry that we have a fight
it's all because of me
im sorry i can't be the best
im sorry i fail to be your clown
im sorry.im sorry
i know that maybe sorry looks dull to you'
but it come straight from my heart
i don't know how will i do without you by my side
because you are my destiny
my other half
i can't afford to lose you
you are special to me
so special
you're my past,present and my future baby
always have always be baby...
happy sunday!
hallo.hallo...it's sunday...!:)
lepas habis ni nk g date...ahahahaha...nak juga nk juga....:))
bwk kita tgk wayang k b.....huhu...
dgr tak nieeee.......nk tgk wayang...cte FAST AND FURIOUS 5 tuuuuuuuu...
nakkkk......hmm...hari ni pagi2 dah buzy di sini....farmasi tutup kul 5 ok!harap maklum.hahaha...hahaha.....huhuhu....hahaha....
boring...xbreakfast pun tadi..gila kental...gastrik ku nnt....
actually,kalau xbreakfast xleh..sbb i have gastric...choiii...tpi harini mcm kenyang..hahah...skip breakfast pulak tadi..huuhuhu...
oh ye....dgr2 ada pameran pengantin kat PWTC kan today???sape2 yg pergi tu have fun la ye!
tolong survey2 kan tuk saye mna2 pakej yg murah...gagaga....saya nak kahwin sekarang!(gila gatal)!;p
to my beloved,take care k....nnt balik jumpe k,,,,:):)
lepas habis ni nk g date...ahahahaha...nak juga nk juga....:))
bwk kita tgk wayang k b.....huhu...
dgr tak nieeee.......nk tgk wayang...cte FAST AND FURIOUS 5 tuuuuuuuu...
nakkkk......hmm...hari ni pagi2 dah buzy di sini....farmasi tutup kul 5 ok!harap maklum.hahaha...hahaha.....huhuhu....hahaha....
boring...xbreakfast pun tadi..gila kental...gastrik ku nnt....
actually,kalau xbreakfast xleh..sbb i have gastric...choiii...tpi harini mcm kenyang..hahah...skip breakfast pulak tadi..huuhuhu...
oh ye....dgr2 ada pameran pengantin kat PWTC kan today???sape2 yg pergi tu have fun la ye!
tolong survey2 kan tuk saye mna2 pakej yg murah...gagaga....saya nak kahwin sekarang!(gila gatal)!;p
to my beloved,take care k....nnt balik jumpe k,,,,:):)
6 May 2011
dah lame xupdate,rase kemalasan pun ade....out of topic...AIYO....i love to write,but i ran out of ideas.pfft!
bila oncall,mmg rajin skit nak type,cuz time ni la idea keluar kan.hahaha...
now xde idea..
right.latest news???or latest movies?anyone?

nk tgk cte FAST & FURIOUS 5 .....can u take me there b?...nak tgk.nk tgk!!
fast n furious mmg best!i like!can't wait to watch!:)...have fun this weekend people!!:)
21 Apr 2011
hello hello
gosh...it's been a long time i haven't update....been buzy.buzy.buzy....
right...how are you guys??hope u bloggers are fine and happy as always...lalalala...
any topics...????erm..erm.erm..
im feeling happy today..:) :)...why?husshh..my secret...
it's not the time yet for me to spill yaww...:)..let it be my secret.....xoxo...
okayy....gotta go..nature calls!haha...see yaaa!
right...how are you guys??hope u bloggers are fine and happy as always...lalalala...
any topics...????erm..erm.erm..
im feeling happy today..:) :)...why?husshh..my secret...
it's not the time yet for me to spill yaww...:)..let it be my secret.....xoxo...
okayy....gotta go..nature calls!haha...see yaaa!
10 Apr 2011
i wanna go home like NOW!!!!!!! :(:(:(:( oncall.....buzy buzy...err..... nak balik!!!!lapar!!!!!!hmmmmm
19 Mar 2011
hi peeps!it's been a long time i haven't update my blog...buzy kerja.balik rumah da mls nk on laptop....huhu
how are you guys doing???sihat?happy?sedih?mengantuk?or all-in-one package?heheh...
now sedang oncall..hopefully leh la pulang at 5 today.....huuu....doctor suka sgt dtg lewat and discharge kan patient.....swasta la katakan...cube kerajaan?hoho!mmg xdilayan langsung..hahah!
bile nk dekat pukul 5 baruu nak proceed discharge...errr...weekends and PH pai kul 5 je tau takk!hahaha;p....tidak la aku tahu.. huuuu....
hmm...korang tak keluar date ke?hehe..mesti punya kan...weekend pulak tu..bohong la duduk rumah je..hee..;p..wellhave fun!hee...la la la la
any hot goss to tell?well spill it..hee...keboringan le oncall ni...sorng2 pulak....huhu!kan best if oncall 2 org..mesti cepat masa berlalu...huu..kan hana kan....selamat berdating kpd hana..:)
hmm..nak cite ape?hmm...xtau nk cte ape...hee...saya suka makan ice-cream,chocolate.hehehe...hari ni mkn pagi je...lunch xmkn...anyhow cek xrasa lapaq...wawawawa...:p...why??tidak la aku tahu....biasala selera kadang naik kadang turun...normal la tu...huuu....:)
what is my fav month??of course la october and november..hee...why?eh..mane boleh bagitahuu....rahasia laa...lalalala....
mood:sedang merindui seseorang....:)....miss him badly..err
saya rindu kamu..saya harap kamu pun begitu..xpernah lupakan kamu...love.love......
how are you guys doing???sihat?happy?sedih?mengantuk?or all-in-one package?heheh...
now sedang oncall..hopefully leh la pulang at 5 today.....huuu....doctor suka sgt dtg lewat and discharge kan patient.....swasta la katakan...cube kerajaan?hoho!mmg xdilayan langsung..hahah!
bile nk dekat pukul 5 baruu nak proceed discharge...errr...weekends and PH pai kul 5 je tau takk!hahaha;p....tidak la aku tahu.. huuuu....
hmm...korang tak keluar date ke?hehe..mesti punya kan...weekend pulak tu..bohong la duduk rumah je..hee..;p..wellhave fun!hee...la la la la
any hot goss to tell?well spill it..hee...keboringan le oncall ni...sorng2 pulak....huhu!kan best if oncall 2 org..mesti cepat masa berlalu...huu..kan hana kan....selamat berdating kpd hana..:)
hmm..nak cite ape?hmm...xtau nk cte ape...hee...saya suka makan ice-cream,chocolate.hehehe...hari ni mkn pagi je...lunch xmkn...anyhow cek xrasa lapaq...wawawawa...:p...why??tidak la aku tahu....biasala selera kadang naik kadang turun...normal la tu...huuu....:)
what is my fav month??of course la october and november..hee...why?eh..mane boleh bagitahuu....rahasia laa...lalalala....
mood:sedang merindui seseorang....:)....miss him badly..err
saya rindu kamu..saya harap kamu pun begitu..xpernah lupakan kamu...love.love......
15 Feb 2011
4 Feb 2011
penat!dah stop!
nak balik!!!!!!perut da gastrik....eh wad ni xtau ke sunday and public hols tutup kul 5????igt tutup kul 9 cam weekedays ke?hello,ni kira ok i stayback until this time...ikut kan xkuasa i!!
amboi2...dorng igt kita ni robot ke.....kira ok la we all nk oncall on sundays and PH..if x,masak la korang,..pandai2 la u all hidup..HAHA
eh dorng ni ramai...lebih dari 3 org stau wad...jadi nk pergi toilet ke,nak g mkn ke,solat ke.nk pergi beli makan ke xde hal...ada orang leh cover..me???pengsan di tgh2 farmasi ni...nk g toilet pun payah,nk kuar tapau makn pun susah,ini kan pula nk curi masa g solat....pergi toilet pun tak aman....jap2 call hp..'KAT MANE EH'..ee..ak kat toilet la bodoh....jwbku dlm hati..see,nk g toilet pun aman....
time tgh dispens,nurse bwk turun slip kate nk ubat ni skarang...ehh..hello,xnmpak ke tgh dispens ni..i have only 2 hands..nak tunggu la kau kat situ....choii...
geram ah.penat.lapar.gastrik.habis pepsi satu botol ku minum(lapar ssgt kan).....
eee..ok ..stop.nak balik!!!!!!it's a wrap!see you next month oncall!!!!!!!!byeeeeeee...
nak balik!!!!!!perut da gastrik....eh wad ni xtau ke sunday and public hols tutup kul 5????igt tutup kul 9 cam weekedays ke?hello,ni kira ok i stayback until this time...ikut kan xkuasa i!!
amboi2...dorng igt kita ni robot ke.....kira ok la we all nk oncall on sundays and PH..if x,masak la korang,..pandai2 la u all hidup..HAHA
eh dorng ni ramai...lebih dari 3 org stau wad...jadi nk pergi toilet ke,nak g mkn ke,solat ke.nk pergi beli makan ke xde hal...ada orang leh cover..me???pengsan di tgh2 farmasi ni...nk g toilet pun payah,nk kuar tapau makn pun susah,ini kan pula nk curi masa g solat....pergi toilet pun tak aman....jap2 call hp..'KAT MANE EH'..ee..ak kat toilet la bodoh....jwbku dlm hati..see,nk g toilet pun aman....
time tgh dispens,nurse bwk turun slip kate nk ubat ni skarang...ehh..hello,xnmpak ke tgh dispens ni..i have only 2 hands..nak tunggu la kau kat situ....choii...
geram ah.penat.lapar.gastrik.habis pepsi satu botol ku minum(lapar ssgt kan).....
eee..ok ..stop.nak balik!!!!!!it's a wrap!see you next month oncall!!!!!!!!byeeeeeee...
my promise..(jgn muntah k.haha)
when i woke up in the morning,i wish you were beside me....
when im having lunch,i wish that i can have lunch with you,
when im doing my work, wish i could 3G and see your face whenever im stress
when im stressed up how i wish you could stand next to me and console me
when im crying alone,i wish you could get near me,wipe the tears and hug me.
when im alone i wish you could be my company
when im not in the best mood i wish you could cheer me up
when im sick i wish you could be with me 24/7
and it implies the same to you...
when you woke up in the morning,i wish i could be next to you and greet you with a smile
when ur having lunch i wish i could be your lunch date
when you're on duty i wish i could see your face
when you're stressed up,i wish i could be the one you turn to
when you're alone crying,i wish i could cry with you and comfort you
when your alone i wish that im your wife and be with you all the time
when you're not in the best mood,i wish i could be your clown.
when you're not feeling well,i wish i could take care of you 24/7
mr bf,i may not the best gf just like other people's gf...
but the love,loyalty and honesty never fades...
that is my promise to you...
and i pray that the fate will be with us...now and forever..
when im having lunch,i wish that i can have lunch with you,
when im doing my work, wish i could 3G and see your face whenever im stress
when im stressed up how i wish you could stand next to me and console me
when im crying alone,i wish you could get near me,wipe the tears and hug me.
when im alone i wish you could be my company
when im not in the best mood i wish you could cheer me up
when im sick i wish you could be with me 24/7
and it implies the same to you...
when you woke up in the morning,i wish i could be next to you and greet you with a smile
when ur having lunch i wish i could be your lunch date
when you're on duty i wish i could see your face
when you're stressed up,i wish i could be the one you turn to
when you're alone crying,i wish i could cry with you and comfort you
when your alone i wish that im your wife and be with you all the time
when you're not in the best mood,i wish i could be your clown.
when you're not feeling well,i wish i could take care of you 24/7
mr bf,i may not the best gf just like other people's gf...
but the love,loyalty and honesty never fades...
that is my promise to you...
and i pray that the fate will be with us...now and forever..
sabar2...im full with patience..unless i can't take it,i'll be firm...fierce...like a lion...uu..scaryy..lol.
hmm...tired..even it's oncall,it really test ur mind body and soul...
hmm..mr boyfriend sdg bz....miss you..:(....if you're next to me,then i'll be ok..less tense,less fierce and such...if marriage is easy,then i'll get married by now..but it's not easy...aite..ok stop.
it's 415pm...wonder if i can go home early?urghhh,.....today up to 5pm,but not necessarily i can go home by 5...emmmmmmm....
oh..im hungry....didn't eat anything...but all shops are closed..IT'S a public holiday maa...
btw..nurses,i have only 2 hands and im not a robot...when u gave me a bundle of prescriptions it doesn't mean by 5 minutes i can finish all of that!plus the doctor orders too many meds,think with your brain not with your ass!...you guys have a team up in the ward,where else me??IM ALONE HERE IN THIS PHARMACY...SO PLEASE...HAVE MERCY...so if you think key in those prescriptions is easy as ABC,please take over my part.thank you.what a dumbass..
hmm...tired..even it's oncall,it really test ur mind body and soul...
hmm..mr boyfriend sdg bz....miss you..:(....if you're next to me,then i'll be ok..less tense,less fierce and such...if marriage is easy,then i'll get married by now..but it's not easy...aite..ok stop.
it's 415pm...wonder if i can go home early?urghhh,.....today up to 5pm,but not necessarily i can go home by 5...emmmmmmm....
oh..im hungry....didn't eat anything...but all shops are closed..IT'S a public holiday maa...
btw..nurses,i have only 2 hands and im not a robot...when u gave me a bundle of prescriptions it doesn't mean by 5 minutes i can finish all of that!plus the doctor orders too many meds,think with your brain not with your ass!...you guys have a team up in the ward,where else me??IM ALONE HERE IN THIS PHARMACY...SO PLEASE...HAVE MERCY...so if you think key in those prescriptions is easy as ABC,please take over my part.thank you.what a dumbass..
3 Feb 2011
cny mode:oncall
hahaha....guess what...got angpau from patient!!!hahaha...
didn't get one last year..thank you....lol....his wife just gave birth..congrats....after dispensing he gave me that red packet...wee....(melompat mcm kanak-kanak)...angpau je pun..kecoh je minah ni...hahahaha....;p;p.....
well well...im tired...just want to go back and rest..but i cant....tomorrow is my last dayyy.....yay!!
right....hmm...have a nice holiday,....lets diet..hahaha.....
friends said that i need to gain weight...but i dont know ..it's stagnant..but honestly,i don't really favour myself chubby...lol..i don't know ..so.what say you.....lol...maybe it's not the time yet for my weight to gain...lol...whateverrr...
nearly 12 noon....i have none to eat for lunch...pity me...lol...
oh i wanna go home.....
didn't get one last year..thank you....lol....his wife just gave birth..congrats....after dispensing he gave me that red packet...wee....(melompat mcm kanak-kanak)...angpau je pun..kecoh je minah ni...hahahaha....;p;p.....
well well...im tired...just want to go back and rest..but i cant....tomorrow is my last dayyy.....yay!!
right....hmm...have a nice holiday,....lets diet..hahaha.....
friends said that i need to gain weight...but i dont know ..it's stagnant..but honestly,i don't really favour myself chubby...lol..i don't know ..so.what say you.....lol...maybe it's not the time yet for my weight to gain...lol...whateverrr...
nearly 12 noon....i have none to eat for lunch...pity me...lol...
oh i wanna go home.....
31 Jan 2011
oncall this month sucks!...mm..stok ubar ni xde itu xde...hooii..boring la cmni!fedup yaw.....dah penat nk oncall...mcm ape je...kalau kerja shift lagi teruk...lagi la,,,,ee...tidak la aku tahu..mr boyfriend,i need you...ASAP!mana you?mana???im stressed out!!!!help me....:'(
ya Allah...mmg ujian-Mu ini menduga jiwa dan perasaan ku ini.,.:(....oncall di CNY.....sama macm tahun lepas...asyik muka aku je...u know...nnt org igt ape plak...padahal bos yg buat...adehh....next year org lain ye bos!i can't take it anymore..menduga jiwa..menduga segalanya...
can i just give up?can't take it anymore.....dah xtahan..my mind body soul can't take it anymore..i end up with headache,dizzy,stress,gastric,and such...tabahkan la aku ya Alllah....:(
i need you..badly.oh no...big girls don't cry...aite,,,but i am crying now..darn it!
mode:sedih sedih!!!!grr....
ya Allah...mmg ujian-Mu ini menduga jiwa dan perasaan ku ini.,.:(....oncall di CNY.....sama macm tahun lepas...asyik muka aku je...u know...nnt org igt ape plak...padahal bos yg buat...adehh....next year org lain ye bos!i can't take it anymore..menduga jiwa..menduga segalanya...
can i just give up?can't take it anymore.....dah xtahan..my mind body soul can't take it anymore..i end up with headache,dizzy,stress,gastric,and such...tabahkan la aku ya Alllah....:(
i need you..badly.oh no...big girls don't cry...aite,,,but i am crying now..darn it!
mode:sedih sedih!!!!grr....
22 Jan 2011
lama xupdate!
Hello!how are you peeps!
Lame xupdate.buzy dgn kerja.sorry
Emm..itu je!happy weekenders peeps!!
Please be safe..God please make him safe..hmm.
Smoga die selamat sampai ke destinasi.amin..kerisauan melanda.pfft
Lame xupdate.buzy dgn kerja.sorry
Emm..itu je!happy weekenders peeps!!
Please be safe..God please make him safe..hmm.
Smoga die selamat sampai ke destinasi.amin..kerisauan melanda.pfft
10 Jan 2011
he's not feeling well..get well soon dear!
today last oncall!!!!see you next month!wee!!!!!
hahaha...tired la...sakit2 bdn...lenguh...hmm..mcm orang tua...choi.
cmne ni...730 pm already...oh 9pm please be fast!!!:)
before i dont believe in love.....i don't think i could find a perfect one for me...i don't trust guys due to the heartbreak....em
now the philosophy change..why?i don't know....it's a matter of heart..
well baby,a day without you is like a day without sunshine......
i heart you.
today last oncall!!!!see you next month!wee!!!!!
hahaha...tired la...sakit2 bdn...lenguh...hmm..mcm orang tua...choi.
cmne ni...730 pm already...oh 9pm please be fast!!!:)
before i dont believe in love.....i don't think i could find a perfect one for me...i don't trust guys due to the heartbreak....em
now the philosophy change..why?i don't know....it's a matter of heart..
well baby,a day without you is like a day without sunshine......
i heart you.
9 Jan 2011
:( :(
WHAT SHOULD I DO????..blurrr!!!!!!!
can i cry now???..hmm...
freaking worried...i don't know why....hmm..i miss youu...
please don't make me feel this way...hmm..
WHAT SHOULD I DO????..blurrr!!!!!!!
can i cry now???..hmm...
freaking worried...i don't know why....hmm..i miss youu...
please don't make me feel this way...hmm..
8 Jan 2011
penat and penat and penat and lapar:(
hmm...dah pukul 7..belum dpt balik lagi laa...choiii...
sedih2...sepatutnya balik pukul 5 petang waktu MALAYSIA..ni da berlarutan 2 JAM DAH NIE....grrr....selalu mcm ni..menyampah i nokk..
nape la doctor suka buat ward round time2 nk dkat pukul 5...then discharge kan patient pulak..grr.:(...ahh...xkira....kul 7.15pm nk g hantar kesemuanya ke ward...biar nurse yg dispens!hahaha..perut dah berkeronconggggg lagu cascada dah ni..ayoyoyo...hahhaha...hmm....
oh..dia pergi futsal..maybe jap lagi jumpe la kot...
hmm...dah pukul 7..belum dpt balik lagi laa...choiii...
sedih2...sepatutnya balik pukul 5 petang waktu MALAYSIA..ni da berlarutan 2 JAM DAH NIE....grrr....selalu mcm ni..menyampah i nokk..
nape la doctor suka buat ward round time2 nk dkat pukul 5...then discharge kan patient pulak..grr.:(...ahh...xkira....kul 7.15pm nk g hantar kesemuanya ke ward...biar nurse yg dispens!hahaha..perut dah berkeronconggggg lagu cascada dah ni..ayoyoyo...hahhaha...hmm....
oh..dia pergi futsal..maybe jap lagi jumpe la kot...
7 Jan 2011
oh oh..
eh.. kalau selalu sakit badan,letih2 tu kenapa ehh?
any ideas?in my opinion,maybe because tak cukup rehat,tak cukup tido,kurang darah dlm badan,kurang energy..but im not sure if there is any connection with some other kind of disease..hmm...wonder...pelik2...
sedang mencari konklusi kenapa jadi begitu...if sekali kala tu xpe la...ni mcm selalu aje..hmm..tidak la aku tahu....
why im asking?nothing just wondering why.....emm..
15 mins to 9pm..hooreyy!!
any ideas?in my opinion,maybe because tak cukup rehat,tak cukup tido,kurang darah dlm badan,kurang energy..but im not sure if there is any connection with some other kind of disease..hmm...wonder...pelik2...
sedang mencari konklusi kenapa jadi begitu...if sekali kala tu xpe la...ni mcm selalu aje..hmm..tidak la aku tahu....
why im asking?nothing just wondering why.....emm..
15 mins to 9pm..hooreyy!!
6 Jan 2011
angkat la phone...i miss you......hmm..:(..npe hari ni mmg cmni ke?semalam happy,tdi pagi happy,ni tadi petang jadi x happy pulak..apedaa.pfft.
dah la gastrik...hmmph..tbe2 je pulak gastrik..dah new year macam2 la.hm...mood swing pulak..choii....
sakit perut......huwargh!!!!!!cepat la 9pm nk balikkk!!!!!
sakit tekak+flu ni bila nk habisss!!!!!muda2 dah mcm2 sakit!!!!urghh
dah la gastrik...hmmph..tbe2 je pulak gastrik..dah new year macam2 la.hm...mood swing pulak..choii....
sakit perut......huwargh!!!!!!cepat la 9pm nk balikkk!!!!!
sakit tekak+flu ni bila nk habisss!!!!!muda2 dah mcm2 sakit!!!!urghh
ha ha ha
emm...kalau bf/gf u all merajuk ape yg korang akn buat?pujuk?or biar je die ok sendiri?huhu...
kaum lelaki pun pandai merajuk kann...xfaham i....kadang2 mengalahkan kaum perempuan...
contoh:mcm ni,die call/text,tpi kite xangkat or kite reply lambat msg tu,nnt bla kte call back,die xangkat,then bile kite reply msg die,nnt die reply mcm nak tak nak..tang tu dah tau la si dia merajuk...aite...huhu..tpi pada cerita sebenarnya,bukan xnk angkat call/text back,TETAPI time tu ada kerja yg perlu diuruskan..dan x sempat nak angkat call tu....bila dah extreme buzy,u can't afford nk layan semua pihak kan...last2 mesti ada satu pihak yg xsempat dilayan....zassss.!
bukan sengaja la syg.....buzy sgt tadi..faham2 la tmpt kerja ni mcmne...hmm....dah2..jangan merajuk ok..nnt kita pergi minum starbucks sama2 ok!i tau u suke minum iced frappucino kan?nnt kite pi ok.....la la la...huhu...
lelaki xelok merajuk lama2,...nnt kedut2 timbul.xhandsome sudah....huhuhu...
tpi kan lelaki merajuk ni kadang2 cute kan....hahahahaha..choiiii...!
kaum lelaki pun pandai merajuk kann...xfaham i....kadang2 mengalahkan kaum perempuan...
contoh:mcm ni,die call/text,tpi kite xangkat or kite reply lambat msg tu,nnt bla kte call back,die xangkat,then bile kite reply msg die,nnt die reply mcm nak tak nak..tang tu dah tau la si dia merajuk...aite...huhu..tpi pada cerita sebenarnya,bukan xnk angkat call/text back,TETAPI time tu ada kerja yg perlu diuruskan..dan x sempat nak angkat call tu....bila dah extreme buzy,u can't afford nk layan semua pihak kan...last2 mesti ada satu pihak yg xsempat dilayan....zassss.!
bukan sengaja la syg.....buzy sgt tadi..faham2 la tmpt kerja ni mcmne...hmm....dah2..jangan merajuk ok..nnt kita pergi minum starbucks sama2 ok!i tau u suke minum iced frappucino kan?nnt kite pi ok.....la la la...huhu...
lelaki xelok merajuk lama2,...nnt kedut2 timbul.xhandsome sudah....huhuhu...
tpi kan lelaki merajuk ni kadang2 cute kan....hahahahaha..choiiii...!
3 Jan 2011
3rd jan.
ok.penat.nk demam.selsema.sakit tekak.mmg pakej yg best..F.O.C je...tak perlu bayar..hahaha...hmm....
badan xselesa.mkn pun xselera..mood pun mcm ape je tah...grr.
arghh..dah la hari ni standby.balik pukul 5.30pm pulakk...adoi..bdn da letih yg amat nie...helpp!!!!:(..dah la ubat byk stok xde...sei la...choii...
ok.penat.nk demam.selsema.sakit tekak.mmg pakej yg best..F.O.C je...tak perlu bayar..hahaha...hmm....
badan xselesa.mkn pun xselera..mood pun mcm ape je tah...grr.
arghh..dah la hari ni standby.balik pukul 5.30pm pulakk...adoi..bdn da letih yg amat nie...helpp!!!!:(..dah la ubat byk stok xde...sei la...choii...
2 Jan 2011
2nd january.at home.:)...going out after this..im lucky i don't have any oncalls yesterday,today,tomorrow...LOL..i think i might be having a sore throat.urgh.
hmm.not much to tell.2nd day of new year.i woke up late.yea,unwell.then after breakfast,i get stomach-ache.:(...ouchh..maybe it's yesterday's food.
now itself,onlining,facebooking,blogging while waiting for my all time favourite tv series..CSI!!..new york starts at 12,miami at 1,vegas at 2..wee!i've missed lots of the episode. ..buzy with things..lol..
ok..one thing to share...imma shopaholic.but then,this time around,i haven't got myself into the mall itself!!!!!!!un-bloody-believable!!got my paycheck already...but i don't know.maybe my moods haven't flow yet..still i wonder why...i don't even know whether the sale is in or have crossed the finish line.?:(...whateverr.
oh..so the school starts tomorrow...for those kids,all the best!!!have fun at school!have u guys prepare things for tomorrow?uniforms,shoes,bags,books?...aww..i kinda miss school..just the environment.i don't really favour my face back then..LOL....awful,but still thankful im not deform..to my niece and nephews..hahaha....please please please,study hard for this new bloody semester.get good grades...then ur aunt will give you some treats...
ohh....this new year,it means my age is ascending!!!!!NO!!!....can't believe it..time goes by so fast...i just felt like it was yesterday...im only 17..as time goes by.....LOL.unbelievable!!!!
oh no...today im kinda talkative in this blog...it's ok.my own blog yaww..(u_u)
I miss him.you.gfs.family.friends.
hmm.not much to tell.2nd day of new year.i woke up late.yea,unwell.then after breakfast,i get stomach-ache.:(...ouchh..maybe it's yesterday's food.
now itself,onlining,facebooking,blogging while waiting for my all time favourite tv series..CSI!!..new york starts at 12,miami at 1,vegas at 2..wee!i've missed lots of the episode. ..buzy with things..lol..
ok..one thing to share...imma shopaholic.but then,this time around,i haven't got myself into the mall itself!!!!!!!un-bloody-believable!!got my paycheck already...but i don't know.maybe my moods haven't flow yet..still i wonder why...i don't even know whether the sale is in or have crossed the finish line.?:(...whateverr.
oh..so the school starts tomorrow...for those kids,all the best!!!have fun at school!have u guys prepare things for tomorrow?uniforms,shoes,bags,books?...aww..i kinda miss school..just the environment.i don't really favour my face back then..LOL....awful,but still thankful im not deform..to my niece and nephews..hahaha....please please please,study hard for this new bloody semester.get good grades...then ur aunt will give you some treats...
ohh....this new year,it means my age is ascending!!!!!NO!!!....can't believe it..time goes by so fast...i just felt like it was yesterday...im only 17..as time goes by.....LOL.unbelievable!!!!
oh no...today im kinda talkative in this blog...it's ok.my own blog yaww..(u_u)
I miss him.you.gfs.family.friends.
1 Jan 2011
hello 2011!
forget about 2010.lets talk about 2011!..happy new year peeps!!may this new year brings prosperous,happiness,and all the good things..
for me...all that i wish this year would be much better than last year.may im happier.merrier,and having good fortune.
i got lots of wishlist(s) to be fulfill this year!!it's a secret...so i would spill in this blog.:)..
let it be something unexpectable.LOL!
again peeps.happy new year!be better than last year and happy all the way!well..im gonna pen off..going out for awhile.got some things to buy..;p
till then
for me...all that i wish this year would be much better than last year.may im happier.merrier,and having good fortune.
i got lots of wishlist(s) to be fulfill this year!!it's a secret...so i would spill in this blog.:)..
let it be something unexpectable.LOL!
again peeps.happy new year!be better than last year and happy all the way!well..im gonna pen off..going out for awhile.got some things to buy..;p
till then
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