sakit kepala!ok tu je!
31 May 2011
omg!esok dah 1st june!!!!!macam xpercaya je!!!!am i right or am i right???huhuh
preparation da 94.5%....takut juga tak sempat nk prepare all in one shot...but i know i can do it...
just benda2 kecik tu takut terlelap bila da nak dekat then baru gelabah and wtf,ini itu xbeli lagi....darn!......
tarik nafas jap....ok lupekan seketika hal ini...
nak tau having the worst fever ever.....mmg tekanan la..lagi2 semalam...lemah and xbermaya....:(..xnk jumpa doctor...nnt kena MC..dah la staff xcukup...choi...then today start oncall...darn!
si dia cuti esok!bestnye!!xdpt ikut....die nk g jalan2 dgn family dia...sedihnya....oi..sakitnya kepala aku....dah la tak makan dari semalam....sakit tekak...tgk makanan pun xselera...tpi tahan aje...adehh....balik rumah tdo.letak ais kat kepala....syg call pun xdgr...msg pun reply lambat..sorry b...xoxo....
then today wake up..still ade demam,sore throat,and sakit2 badan...mama tegur...dia kata muka nmpk panas....(apekahh) pun sedang sakit kepala.....chayo!cepat la 9 mlm....
teringin nak makn bubur ayam MCD.....SEDAP NYEE....hmm....lapar pula....huuuu....tgk makanan pun xde selera...huhu...2 in 1 la!;p;p
jaga kesihatan ye semua...sekarang weather tak
preparation da 94.5%....takut juga tak sempat nk prepare all in one shot...but i know i can do it...
just benda2 kecik tu takut terlelap bila da nak dekat then baru gelabah and wtf,ini itu xbeli lagi....darn!......
tarik nafas jap....ok lupekan seketika hal ini...
nak tau having the worst fever ever.....mmg tekanan la..lagi2 semalam...lemah and xbermaya....:(..xnk jumpa doctor...nnt kena MC..dah la staff xcukup...choi...then today start oncall...darn!
si dia cuti esok!bestnye!!xdpt ikut....die nk g jalan2 dgn family dia...sedihnya....oi..sakitnya kepala aku....dah la tak makan dari semalam....sakit tekak...tgk makanan pun xselera...tpi tahan aje...adehh....balik rumah tdo.letak ais kat kepala....syg call pun xdgr...msg pun reply lambat..sorry b...xoxo....
then today wake up..still ade demam,sore throat,and sakit2 badan...mama tegur...dia kata muka nmpk panas....(apekahh) pun sedang sakit kepala.....chayo!cepat la 9 mlm....
teringin nak makn bubur ayam MCD.....SEDAP NYEE....hmm....lapar pula....huuuu....tgk makanan pun xde selera...huhu...2 in 1 la!;p;p
jaga kesihatan ye semua...sekarang weather tak
12 May 2011

ok..sgt suka design dia...baju tu nk lengan cm ni leh?xnk yg kembang-kembang tuu...LOL...letak puff skit...boleh byg ke?huhuhu...ok..pening....tu je ..BYE!
ke nak letak bebutang?

ni satin

yg ni chiffon

ni satin

yg ni chiffon
nk satin ke chiffon?
mane lagi best?chiffon die cm jarang kan....satin nmpk bersinar....omaiigooddd.....helpp...i like both...but nk wut skali tuk xyah bazir2 nk beli yg raya punye...kan kan kan......huhu..
by end of this week kena settlekan jugak...even if i have to do it alone....aite....chayo!go go girl!
ok...byk dalam fkiran ni....adui...tpi takut tak sesuai and such....
nk buat baju kurung moden....tpi tailor xtau nk cari kt ne..:(
tailor yg selalu ku hantar baju2,xtau la die nk amek ke tak kan...aduii...ok...
kawan ku tnye....
A:Jiji ni nmpak relax je..padahal bulan depan je kot...
J:hahaha...nmpak je belum tuk kawin lagi.....tu lagiii nervous okayh!
hahahaha..adehhh....bersabar ye.kalu dpt buat ala kate midddleton pon best jugak..(ewahh..byk cntik hang punye muka)..ahaha......
tailor yg selalu ku hantar baju2,xtau la die nk amek ke tak kan...aduii...ok...
kawan ku tnye....
A:Jiji ni nmpak relax je..padahal bulan depan je kot...
J:hahaha...nmpak je belum tuk kawin lagi.....tu lagiii nervous okayh!
hahahaha..adehhh....bersabar ye.kalu dpt buat ala kate midddleton pon best jugak..(ewahh..byk cntik hang punye muka)..ahaha......
dah tak lama lagi ni....:(...nervous okayh!
errrr...hope sume berjalan dgn lancar....aminnnnnnn....
mesti tertanya2 apekah....tettt..nnt2 akn ku cecite cecite...LOL!
sabar ye...hahaha....
hari ni hari khamis.....esok pula jumaat..nmpak sgt la xde kerja kan..haha...
yes!nk hujung minggu!!!!ade menda nk di buat....apekahh?jeng jeng jeng.....adelahh..rahasia....
nnt tau jugak tu...
kpd ehem2....whatcha doingg????tido la tuuu...bestnyeee,..jealous okayh!!!!!
bagun2 masak tuk i...hahaha....tak boleh belah......
adoi....semakin hari semakin rindu...ok stop!hehehe
menghitung harii.......huuu
dah tak lama lagi ni....:(...nervous okayh!
errrr...hope sume berjalan dgn lancar....aminnnnnnn....
mesti tertanya2 apekah....tettt..nnt2 akn ku cecite cecite...LOL!
sabar ye...hahaha....
hari ni hari khamis.....esok pula jumaat..nmpak sgt la xde kerja kan..haha...
yes!nk hujung minggu!!!!ade menda nk di buat....apekahh?jeng jeng jeng.....adelahh..rahasia....
nnt tau jugak tu...
kpd ehem2....whatcha doingg????tido la tuuu...bestnyeee,..jealous okayh!!!!!
bagun2 masak tuk i...hahaha....tak boleh belah......
adoi....semakin hari semakin rindu...ok stop!hehehe
menghitung harii.......huuu
8 May 2011
saya tak perfect.
saya tau tu.
semua orang tak with it..
boring.boring.nak balik cepat.hmm..:(....
saya tau tu.
semua orang tak with it..
boring.boring.nak balik cepat.hmm..:(....
happy mother's day!
happy mothers day!!!!!
i love you mama & mama!!!!!!
thanks for making me as it is.....
i love you loads!
im sorry im not perfect
im sorry if i make you sad
im sorry i make u mad
im sorry that we have a fight
it's all because of me
im sorry i can't be the best
im sorry i fail to be your clown
im sorry
i know that maybe sorry looks dull to you'
but it come straight from my heart
i don't know how will i do without you by my side
because you are my destiny
my other half
i can't afford to lose you
you are special to me
so special
you're my past,present and my future baby
always have always be baby...
im sorry if i make you sad
im sorry i make u mad
im sorry that we have a fight
it's all because of me
im sorry i can't be the best
im sorry i fail to be your clown
im sorry
i know that maybe sorry looks dull to you'
but it come straight from my heart
i don't know how will i do without you by my side
because you are my destiny
my other half
i can't afford to lose you
you are special to me
so special
you're my past,present and my future baby
always have always be baby...
happy sunday!'s sunday...!:)
lepas habis ni nk g date...ahahahaha...nak juga nk juga....:))
bwk kita tgk wayang k b.....huhu...
dgr tak nieeee.......nk tgk wayang...cte FAST AND FURIOUS 5 tuuuuuuuu...
nakkkk......hmm...hari ni pagi2 dah buzy di sini....farmasi tutup kul 5 ok!harap maklum.hahaha...hahaha.....huhuhu....hahaha....
boring...xbreakfast pun tadi..gila kental...gastrik ku nnt....
actually,kalau xbreakfast xleh..sbb i have gastric...choiii...tpi harini mcm kenyang..hahah...skip breakfast pulak tadi..huuhuhu...
oh ye....dgr2 ada pameran pengantin kat PWTC kan today???sape2 yg pergi tu have fun la ye!
tolong survey2 kan tuk saye mna2 pakej yg murah...gagaga....saya nak kahwin sekarang!(gila gatal)!;p
to my beloved,take care k....nnt balik jumpe k,,,,:):)
lepas habis ni nk g date...ahahahaha...nak juga nk juga....:))
bwk kita tgk wayang k b.....huhu...
dgr tak nieeee.......nk tgk wayang...cte FAST AND FURIOUS 5 tuuuuuuuu...
nakkkk......hmm...hari ni pagi2 dah buzy di sini....farmasi tutup kul 5 ok!harap maklum.hahaha...hahaha.....huhuhu....hahaha....
boring...xbreakfast pun tadi..gila kental...gastrik ku nnt....
actually,kalau xbreakfast xleh..sbb i have gastric...choiii...tpi harini mcm kenyang..hahah...skip breakfast pulak tadi..huuhuhu...
oh ye....dgr2 ada pameran pengantin kat PWTC kan today???sape2 yg pergi tu have fun la ye!
tolong survey2 kan tuk saye mna2 pakej yg murah...gagaga....saya nak kahwin sekarang!(gila gatal)!;p
to my beloved,take care k....nnt balik jumpe k,,,,:):)
6 May 2011
dah lame xupdate,rase kemalasan pun ade....out of topic...AIYO....i love to write,but i ran out of ideas.pfft!
bila oncall,mmg rajin skit nak type,cuz time ni la idea keluar kan.hahaha...
now xde idea..
right.latest news???or latest movies?anyone?

nk tgk cte FAST & FURIOUS 5 .....can u take me there b?...nak tgk.nk tgk!!
fast n furious mmg best!i like!can't wait to watch!:)...have fun this weekend people!!:)
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