it's 10 am...need to send some medication to outpatient department...then my senior said;
chia:mata tu da layu..mcm tak ckup tido..
k.ros:aah,mata die bengkak kan chia..
chia:gee,i rase better you claim time off.blik rumah tido..
k.ros:g la amek claim...kesian da tgk..xlarat..
me:boleh eh...kire bpe jam nk claim ni..
k.ros:blik kul 1 .claim 4jam la...g bgtau boss...boss bagi punye..
me:ok2..nnt org g tnye..
yes.boss approved!so i texted my dad to come and fetch me...then,take away A&w..the minute i reached home,i ran upstairs and doze off...zzzzzzz.....sleepy yaww..sweet dreams darl!
i woke up at 7 o'clock...still feeling sleepy...i took my shower,pray,and head downstairs,open up my fb and eat..lol...
it's 1130pm...writing this blog and quenching my thirst with a glass of milk,observing fb profile while listening to colbie's i never told you..love that song....so..i gotta pen off now...sweet dreams people!