i woke up this morning..gosh,can't open my eyes...bad eyebag,low energy..damn,not proper to go for work...i guess i have to force myself..to be exact,this month's on call is the most tiring moment that i've ever had apart from chinese new year's on call!damn.
it's 10 am...need to send some medication to outpatient department...then my senior said;
chia:mata tu da layu..mcm tak ckup tido..
k.ros:aah,mata die bengkak kan chia..
chia:gee,i rase better you claim time off.blik rumah tido..
k.ros:g la amek claim...kesian da tgk..xlarat..
me:boleh eh...kire bpe jam nk claim ni..
k.ros:blik kul 1 .claim 4jam la...g bgtau boss...boss bagi punye..
me:ok2..nnt org g tnye..
yes.boss approved!so i texted my dad to come and fetch me...then,take away A&w..the minute i reached home,i ran upstairs and doze off...zzzzzzz.....sleepy yaww..sweet dreams darl!
i woke up at 7 o'clock...still feeling sleepy...i took my shower,pray,and head downstairs,open up my fb and eat..lol...
it's 1130pm...writing this blog and quenching my thirst with a glass of milk,observing fb profile while listening to colbie's i never told you..love that song....so..i gotta pen off now...sweet dreams people!
bengkak sbb ta cukup tido or....
ReplyDeleteor....xckup tdo la..on call 5 hari turut2..time wesak hari tu