hm...happy SUNDAY everyone!
ok...kali ni entry mcm more towards feelings...tentang hati and perasaan ..haha..okk..i know this is weird..sbb jarang mengemukakan topik2 sebegini,and i rather NOT choosing this topic.haha.
ok..pernah tak anda dlm situasi,dimana,seseorng tu nk knal dgn you,then suddenly,die suka dgn you..the thing is you never expect that thing to happen,and u pulak mcm anggap die mcm kawan you.
u'll never expect he will fall for you though.
the other situasi,you minat kat seseorg tu,tpi org tu mcm xbagi respon.suka ke x?mesti the end,you give up,and don't want to be in love lagi..hahha..(MOTIFFzz)...
ok.the issue is,kadang pelik dgn life ni.kenapa org yg kite mcm xanggap lebih dari kwn mcm minat kat kite,tpi org yg kita minat n nk ade 'more than friends' relationship mcm xde respons aje.hmm...mybe ego kot?tidak la aku tau.....
benda ni mesti penah terjadi kat u all out there..kan x?mesti punye la....tipu kalau xde
me?prnah terjadi?maybe yes ..mybe no..btw,im not that gorgy,bukan la wanita idaman bagi kaum adam.
tibe-tibe ayat sedih.wahahahahaha.(HARUS KE?)
idaman kaum lelaki...siapakah?mcm lisa surihani...yang mane?ala,yg berlakon cte adamaya tu...cantik kan die.she's so sweet.brain and beauty.susah nk cari org yg lengkap dgn pakej BRAIN AND BEAUTY ni...weird huh.....
lisa surihani
cantik kan?
jealous x?
but that's it.....guys will remain guys...pretty,hot,is always the first in their list.well,deal with it...
so do girls..they will act the same too...hunk,hot.and
u can't's the solid truth.
tapi kannnn......kalau org tu minat kat seseorg,die snggup tunggu kan walau it takes a while.entah la...just like malay sayings..'hargai orang yg menghargai kita'...tpi kalau bergantung sgt pada sayings tu pun xbest jugak kan...lets say....die hargai kita,tpi bila dah couple,tgk2 vice versa.mesti terluka kan....baik xpayah in love if mcm i right or am i right?hahahahha...
im not that anti-love...but to be in love?not now..lets just say,love is hard for me....
l.o.v.e. just another word i'll never learn to
hmm...takpela.i know there's someone better out there for me..siapakah?tidak la aku tahu...haha.dah kalau ada jodoh tu tak kemana punya la...pusing sana pusing sini,jumpa jugak,couple sana,couple sini,jumpa balik..kan x?lol..
haiyark.....enough la coretan about love.feelings.nnt ada org muntah hijau pulak baca entry nie..wahahahaha......
merepek pulak.
till then
listen to this song already?
cool song though.