this topic is typical right?lol....ok ...so anorexic or bulimic??basically western countries will be dealing with this kind of problems...as u googled around anorexic photos,some of them will be celebrities.
ANOREXIC:having a massive fear of becoming fat. they may be afraid of losing control over the amount of food they eat, accompanied by the desire to control their emotions and reactions to their emotions.so they'll curb themself from eating,cutting their meals.they will feel fat even though they didn't ate much.

mary kate olsen

lindsay and nicole.too skinny.
BULIMIC:it is characterized by recurrent binge eating.the most common form is defensive,vomiting,purging,fasting(OMG!!), abuse laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and over exercising.

whoa...scary isn't it.anorexic and bulimic can be fatal if it doesn't treated well.SCARY..errerr ..
models in runway are anorexic too.
but nowadays,it's all about curves
curvy is better.
love your body.
if u can love someone deeply,
same goes to your body too.
they need your attention.
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