16 Feb 2010

good morning!

good morning people!
it's 16th feb.still it's a public holidayy
im stuck at this hospital.
huh.i had my breakfast already
the good thing about being on duty is all that i think is about work work work.
so,less hungry..LOL.
it's 10.30 am.staring at this screen.waiting for patient or any related things.
lucky we have a radio over here..if not,i'll be dead by now.haha
today im so in the mood of writing.
so i might spill anything that i want
hm.of all sudden i recall the past.
the past is a memory.will always be.
why o why?when im sitting alone,i kept on reminiscing.
about what i have done.with him.
what we've shared.anything from personal to music
but i can say that that is one of the good memory
im not perfect.i admit that.1 thing for sure,i accept the way it is
but the other party didn't.
so it's unfair to me.even if u can change,but it's still you.
so drama.pathetic.
hm.i know u may have a new person in your life.
i can feel that.
girl's instinct.aite.whatever.
remembering it hurts.
it's ok.
u've find one,i'll find mine too.
sooner or later.
i'll go with the flow
i know i will.

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