15 Feb 2010

...im back!...

at last im back!it's been a long time i haven't post any blog...well,im too buzy to write..and now im ready to spill!

lots of things happened,and yes.it hurts...i've been in major depression and not-so-happy situation...now,i guess im a better...(maybe)....right now im at the hospital.why?im working,say,im on duty...ugh...so boring....btw,happy chinese new year !!today it's still a holiday and im hungry!!!daymm...

yesterday i had lunch with my besties at my resident....yay!at last ur back home!i miss you so much darla!!...we had some girl's talk and yes it's fun even it's just for a short time...

well baby,next time we'll hangout longer kay!

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