15 Feb 2010


huh....i haven't get enough rest....i've been buzy since last week.ugh..not feeling well at the same time..i can't wait for all of this to end...this on-call thing drives me crazy...ugh...what can i do...i need holidayyyyys..soon..i'll have one...i know that

next...why does dr's have a very NICE handwriting...sometimes it makes us wanna puke...ugh..sorry didnt meant to insult..lox..but its true.it takes me like years to fathom their handwriting....now i can say that i can read those handwriting...lolx......

okay..change topic..i'm on duty till 5 pm...gosh..its 3.32 already..im doing nothing..just posting this blog,while waiting for patient who wants to pick up their meds.....not that buzy today..but i want to go home....ughh

call me workaholic..work.work.work.no time for pleasure.my face defines work.ha ha..yeah...current mode.working.before,studying..to be frank,i do miss my studying years....even it feels nauseous to read all the notes,presentation,exams and stuff,it's less tiring i guess.all you have to think is one word:STUDY.open the notes,revising,and you are good to go...while working,there are lots of things to be taken care of..people around you..huu...

oh yeahh...i need new LOVE.omg,did i just say LOVE?hahaha..it's a long way to go.i dont know.love hurts.to find someone,who accepts you the way you are,it's hard.well im waiting for it to come...sooner or later...*sigh*...if it do come now,i can say that im blessed..but it's too early to jump into any conclusion...all that i can say,i waiting for my lucky prince to come..who?let it be a mystery...lolx..

even im not that lucky in relationship,i still have my familia,bffs,friends,job..<3...

future love,i'll be waiting..(:

can't wait to go home...

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